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What We Do


West Virginia Breast Health Initiative aims to raise awareness and fund breast cancer programs with an emphasis on increasing breast health education, financially assisting breast cancer screenings, facilitating patient navigation, and providing survivor services. 


West Virginia Breast Health Initiative’s vision is that uninsured and under-insured West Virginians have access to life saving breast health screenings and treatment.



​Misty Bennett Seeds of Hope Fund 

  • $5,000. Harmony House

  • $5,000. Rainelle Medical Center

  • $5,000. Bonnie’s Bus

  • $5,000. WV Health Right

  • $15,000.  BCA – Cumberland Valley

  • $5,000. Boone Memorial Hospital

  • $2,500. The Compression Initiative

  • $5,000. Bonnie’s Bus

  • $5,000. Boone Memorial

  • $10,000. Tug River Medical

  • Mammograms in 27 counties

  • Mammograms – 475  (WVBHI, Bonnie’s Bus first round, Boone Memorial, Harmony House,
    Rainelle Medical Center)

  • Gas cards – 1000 - averaging between $25, $50. And $250 via WVBHI.

  • Survivor Kits –275

  • 5000 Mammogram self-exam cards in English and Spanish


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Who We Are

The West Virginia Breast Health Initiative was established in 2018 when there was a need for a statewide breast health organization. We received our 501 (c) 3 status in 2019. 100% of the funds raised in West Virginia stays in West Virginia.

Donna DeHart

WVBHI Executive Director


On average in West Virginia, 6 people will die every week from breast cancer. WVBHI is working diligently to help change that statistic by working with others in our communities to raise awareness about early detection and to help remove some of the economic barriers to breast health care and treatments.  


Ruth Kirshbel Jacobs said, “You don’t have to do great things, but the little things you are doing in your sphere of influence can be done with great conviction, great wisdom, great beauty and great love.”

2025 Board of Directors


Rebecca Van Der Meer

WVBHI President

After having breast cancer in the past five years, I felt the need to share my story and thoughts with those who are going through breast cancer. I have always been a nurturer and found that through the West Virginia Breast Health Initiative.  By being a WVBHI Board member, it gives me the opportunity to share my support  with those who are in need of mammograms and/or treatment.

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Bryan Luzader

WVBHI Co-Vice President

Charleston Area Medical Center

I serve because I have lost family and friends to breast cancer and it has left an imprint on my life. As John Diamond once said, cancer is a word, not a sentence. I truly believe this statement to stand true. I am proud to serve on a Board where WE can make a difference for people during uncertain times.


Derek Hudson

WVBHI Co-Vice President

Executive Director at Bream SHOP Showers - Healthcare - Outreach Program

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Pamela Valentine

WVBHI Secretary

Dupont, Retired

I support the West Virginia Breast Health Initiative to raise breast cancer awareness, fight the cause and to do whatever is possible to help as many West Virginians as we can.

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Dolores Rose

WVBHI Treasurer

Baker Tilly, US, LLP

I chose to support WVBHI because I want to make a positive impact on our community supporting a cause that is very personal to me. The services provided by WVBHI are a vital resource for our community and I am honored to contribute my time and skills to support their mission.

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Chris Gosses

Member at Large 

Chris Gosses Photography &

WV Rainbow Pride President

I am proud to be part of such a vital community driven local organization. WVBHI cares about the West Virginia community and the hardships that people face in the battle against breast cancer. 

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Julie Palas

Member at Large

Executive Director at the

James "Tiger" Morton Catastrophic Illness Commission

I choose to be on the WVBHI BOD knowing lives are saved and enriched throughout West Virginia via financial, collaborative and peer support. I appreciate the compassionate commitment of its staff, volunteers and partners so as many people as possible can take advantage of WVBHI's free critical services and referral connections.

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Kelli Harris

Member at Large

My reason for wanting to be on the board is I want to broaden my understanding of complex social and medical issues and the challenges we face as a community in hopes that I can make a positive impact and help maybe save lives.

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Patty Rosebourgh

Member at Large, Survivor

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I never anticipated the care and support from people I had never met. WVBHI became a part of my family that responded to many of my physical, mental, and financial needs. I truly felt I had a collective shoulder to help me navigate my journey. It was not enough to say “thank you”, and now as a BOD, I am able to put my gratitude into action for others and welcome them to the family of warriors.

Contact Us





Mailing Address:

PO Box 6623  |  Charleston, WV 25302


Physical Address:

317 West Washington Street  |  Charleston, WV 25302



© 2025 West Virginia Breast Health Initiative

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