When my mom, Amee Beckner was diagnosed with Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer my family’s entire world was turned upside down. This was something that we never dreamed of having to face. It couldn’t be happening to us! Our mom was only 49!
My sister, Mia and I had always depended on Mom to take care of us. Kiss our boo boos away, dry our tears, help to mend our broken hearts and numerous hugs for no reason at all.
After leaving the hospital after a few days stay, I made a lot of changes to accommodate Mom. I was going through some major lifestyle changes, but I knew I had to put that all on hold for however long Mom’s recovery. I made some changes at home, for her convenience, such as giving up my downstairs bedroom so that she would not have to trapse up and down the stairs. Once the chemo treatments, short hospital stays, and countless doctor visits, were over. it was my turn to take care of her mostly during the day. My dad had just started a new job, so to keep him from taking leave, I stayed at Mom’s side each day. It was my job to keep her company. Although, it wasn’t really a job to me. It was love for one of the bravest ladies I know.
My MeMaw has been diagnosed with breast cancer twice in her lifetime and beat it both times. My Mom introduced MeMaw to WVBHI at a Pride Bingo Game in 2022. Happily retired, my MeMaw said, “Put me to work!”. She has been volunteering for WVBHI ever since, putting in countless hours and a passion for helping other West Virginians, so that No One Fights Alone! Three months ago, MeMaw joined the all-volunteer, WVBHI Board of Directors. I could not be prouder.
As breast cancer can affect not only the patient, but also affect their family and friends. That is what our race on May 4th is all about, No One Fights Alone. So go to the West Virginia Breast Health Initiative website and sign up to participate in the race. You can join my family’s team, Three Moms, and help us raise money to support those who need assistance in getting a mammogram (The Three Moms are my mom, my MeMaw, and my Granny. All three have gone through breast cancer).
Thank you for hearing my story.